Wednesday, March 12, 2008

the wrong jumper

I should have known today when I put on the red and purple striped jumper that I would smash a plate into the staffroom bin in the middle of a rant about why nobody cares enough to wash up the odd teaspoon until they are piling up in the sink like spillikins thrown by a spoilt child I should have known today when I put on the red and purple striped jumper that I would end up in voicemail hell and shout at Vishal that I'd rather buy my curtains from John Lewis even if I don't like their fabrics because then at least I would be able to order a sample without going through a tortuous process involving three different departments and being told that there was no problem when there was a bloody problem or why would I be calling them I should have known today when I put on the red and purple jumper that I would shout at Graham to Give It A Break!! when he was mumbling and muttering that he was on strike no more homework no more school the yogic breathing is not really working the red and purple striped jumper is evil and I have eaten five yes five chocolate biscuits one right after the other bugger

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